Collection: Nursery

Nursery furniture refers to a range of furniture items that are designed specifically for use in a nursery or baby's room. These pieces of furniture are essential for creating a safe and comfortable environment for a baby or young child to sleep, play, and grow. Zizi nursery furniture include:

  1. Crib: Zizi crib is a bed specifically designed for infants and young children. It is made with bars and base swing.

  2. Diaper station: Zizi diaper station comes with storage shelves and drawer to hold diapering supplies and clothes and a thick mattress to make diaper changing comfortable.

  3. Dresser: A dresser is used to store a baby's clothes, blankets, and other items. It usually has several drawers and may also come with a changing table on top.

When choosing nursery furniture, it is important to prioritize safety, functionality, and style. Furniture items should be sturdy, meet current safety standards, and fit well in the space available.